Kamis, 19 April 2012

My Dreams

Name : Vania Putri Rahmanto
NPM : 21209541
Class : 3EB13

My Dreams

Since early childhood, I have a dream. I want to be an engineer. For achieve that my dream, I study hard in senior high school. For get mathematical and natural sciences direction. Why??? Because according to people’s opinion that if we get mathematical and natural sciences direction in senior high school, we can entry to agriculture direction at university. Agriculture is match with my dream at that time.

At senior high school, I get mathematical and natural sciences direction. That is very borring., because I must study fisika, chemist, biology, and mathematic. The lesson of mathematical and natural sciences is difficult, so I must study hard.

In reality my life now, I lecture accountancy. Accountancy is match with social studies not mathematical and natural sciences, so my dream for want to be an engineer disappeared. And I try for change my dream. So now my dream is to be an accounting or auditor.

Every day I study accountancy. First time, my try for understand about accountancy is very difficult. But, the end I can understand about accountancy. This matter make me very spirit for achieve my dream. I want to make proud my parents and I want to help study cost of my brother until his lecture. I only can pray. I hope that my dreams come true because life start from dream.

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